Norway opens two offshore wind areas, 4.5 GW available

Norway has opened two areas for offshore wind development, which are said to together have a capacity of 4,500 MW.

The applications for the Utsira Nord and Sørlige Nordsjø II areas will launch on 1 January 2021, and limits have been set on the amount of wind power that can be developed.

Source: Norwegian Ministry of Petroleum and Energy

Utsira Nord is a 1,010km2 area located to the west of Haugesund. It is suited for floating wind power, is close to shore and provides opportunities for demonstration and larger projects.

The second area, Sørlige Nordsjø II, borders the Danish sector in the North Sea, and is relevant for direct export of electricity.

The area takes up 2,591km2, has depths which makes it possible to develop bottom-fixed projects, but floating foundations could also be relevant, the government said.

“Combined, the two areas allow for the development of 4,500 MW of wind power, which provides ample opportunity for development. At the same time, we are putting in place to ensure room for other activities and the environment,” said Tina Bru, Minister for Petroleum and Energy.

In 2019, the Ministry of Petroleum and Energy issued the proposal for opening the areas for public consultations, as well as a draft regulation.

The ministry had also suggested opening the Sandskallen-Sørøya Nord, however the fisheries industry showed resistance.

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