C-Kore finalizes offshore Nigeria campaign

C-Kore has completed a campaign offshore Nigeria with VAYCO Oil tools and local Nigerian partner Cranium Engineering.

The operation for an oil operator in over 1,000 meters water depth allowed rapid testing of umbilicals and electrical flying leads (EFLs) for regulatory compliance and immediate rectification of subsea faults.

C-Kore’s subsea testing units are used on both asset integrity and installation operations to verify the health of subsea electrical systems.

Sola Adekunle, CEO of Cranium Engineering said, “Our customer was pleased with how the C-Kore units operated, and the excellent service provided. We were able to get data that would have been impossible using traditional methods, improving asset integrity whilst saving the customer money on both man hours and on vessel time. The additional safety and operational benefits of having a simple, automated system where no extra offshore personnel is required was valuable in sustaining operations during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Greg Smith, general manager of C-Kore Systems added, “We are very happy to work again with VAYCO and Cranium Engineering. Our technology has proven to save time and money for our customers and our “Keep-it-Simple” design philosophy allows easy and reliable testing without the need for specialist offshore personnel.”

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