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Puerto Chancay, Perú: MTC aprueba convenio con Cosco Shipping Ports sobre estabilidad …

La política que en el presente documento se indica, tiene por objeto informar a los usuarios de MundoMaritimo sobre el proceder de nuestra empresa respecto del tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal recogidos a través de nuestros portales. 1 | Recolección: Cuando Usted requiere los servicios de MundoMaritimo, se recoge información personal como su …

Puerto Chancay, Perú: MTC aprueba convenio con Cosco Shipping Ports sobre estabilidad … Read More »

Puertos región de Valparaíso, Chile: carga movilizada disminuyó un 12,9% en marzo de 2020

De acuerdo con el Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas (INE), la carga movilizada por los puertos de la región de Valparaíso en Chile alcanzó las 4,53 millones de toneladas, lo que implicó una caída de un 12,9% en comparación con el mismo período del año anterior. En relación con enero de este año, se registró un …

Puertos región de Valparaíso, Chile: carga movilizada disminuyó un 12,9% en marzo de 2020 Read More »

Puerto de Itaqui de Brasil reporta un desempeño positivo a pesar de cuarentena en Maranhão

La política que en el presente documento se indica, tiene por objeto informar a los usuarios de MundoMaritimo sobre el proceder de nuestra empresa respecto del tratamiento de los datos de carácter personal recogidos a través de nuestros portales. 1 | Recolección: Cuando Usted requiere los servicios de MundoMaritimo, se recoge información personal como su …

Puerto de Itaqui de Brasil reporta un desempeño positivo a pesar de cuarentena en Maranhão Read More »

What ‘clean on board’ means and what should a master be aware of when presented with a bill of lading?

The Tai Prize concerns a matter where the defendant head time charterer entered a voyage charter with the claimant voyage charterer for the carriage of heavy grains, soyabeans in bulk from Brazil to China. After the cargo was loaded onto the ship, the shipper presented a draft bill of lading to the master which under …

What ‘clean on board’ means and what should a master be aware of when presented with a bill of lading? Read More »

Stena Bulk and GoodFuels Successfully Complete Trial of Sustainable Marine Biofuel

The 49646 deadweight tonne (dwt) MR tanker received the first delivery of Bio Fuel Oil during its recent call at the Port of Rotterdam. The fuel, which GoodFuels launched in 2018, reduces greenhouse gas emissions by 83% and substantially reduces SOX emissions. The trial was completed on the Stena Immortal as she ran in typical …

Stena Bulk and GoodFuels Successfully Complete Trial of Sustainable Marine Biofuel Read More »

Swedish Clean Tech Trio To Unite For Post-Pandemic Clean Tech Debate

Global transportation sectors continue to suffer the effects of the measures enforced by governments worldwide to minimize the spread of COVID-19. As and when the international shipping industry sails into the post-pandemic era, the optimization of vessel efficiency will play a crucial role in ensuring the commercial buoyancy of ship owning companies. Recovery will not …

Swedish Clean Tech Trio To Unite For Post-Pandemic Clean Tech Debate Read More »

Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Issues Profit Warning

This announcement is made by the board of directors (the “Board”) of Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Limited (the “Company”) for information only. The Board wishes to inform the shareholders of the Company (the “Shareholders”) and potential investors that, based on a preliminary assessment of the unaudited consolidated management accounts, the Company is expected to record …

Jinhui Shipping and Transportation Issues Profit Warning Read More »

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